Video: ‘Foucault’s Confessions’ Online Series
A selection of videos from ‘Foucault’s Confessions’, an online series of bi-weekly talks hosted by the Department of Religion at Rice University, from May 4 - June 3, 2021.
Organisers: Niki Kasumi Clements and James Faubion
Over five weeks in the month of May and the beginning of June, an international group of scholars will engage the work of Michel Foucault at the intersection of ethics, power, and Christianity in the context of the 2018 Éditions Gallimard publication of ‘Les aveux de la chair’ and its 2021 translation as ‘Confessions of the Flesh’. Foucault’s work and biography are not without controversy and we invite both critical and charitable engagement. This is an academic conference planned for April 2020 in person, but which we have adapted to the virtual sphere.
Series website:
Foucault's Confessions 1: James Bernauer, May 4, 2021, Rice University
Foucault's Confessions 2: Peter Brown, May 6, 2021, Rice University
Foucault's Confessions 4: Mark Jordan, May 13, 2021, Rice University
Foucault's Confessions 5: Lynne Huffer, May 18, 2021, Rice University
Foucault's Confessions 6: Niki Clements, May 19, 2021, Rice University
Foucault's Confessions 7: Elizabeth A. Clark, May 20, 2021, Rice University
Foucault's Confessions 8: Arianna Sforzini, May 25, 2021, Rice University
Foucault's Confessions 9: Daniele Lorenzini, May 27, 2021, Rice University
Foucault's Confessions 10: Martina Tazzioli, June 1, 2021, Rice University
Videos courtesy of Niki Kasumi Clements
Further reading
Stuart Elden’s review of Histoire de la sexualité 4: Les aveux de la chair (2018)
Forthcoming Theory, Culture & Society Special Issue: ‘Foucault Before the Collège de France’, edited by Stuart Elden, Orazio Irrera and Daniele Lorenzini