Video: David Tyfield and John Urry on Energy & Society
David Tyfield and John Urry introduce the Theory, Culture & Society Special Issue: ‘Energy & Society’
TCS Special Issue: Energy & Society
Volume 31 Issue 5, September 2014
Edited by David Tyfield and John Urry
The Problem of Energy
John Urry
Regime Resistance against Low-Carbon Transitions: Introducing Politics and Power into the Multi-Level Perspective
Frank W Geels
What Is Energy For? Social Practice and Energy Demand
Elizabeth Shove and Gordon Walker
The Political and Material Landscape of European Energy Distribution: Tracking the Oil Road
James Marriott and Mika Minio-Paluello
The United States and Alternative Energies since 1980: Technological Fix or Regime Change?
David E Nye
Global Energy Cultures of Speed and Lightness: Materials, Mobilities and Transnational Power
Mimi Sheller
The Food-Energy-Climate Change Trilemma: Toward a Socio-Economic Analysis
Mark Harvey
Visioning a Sustainable Energy Future: The Case of Urban Food-Growing
Robert Biel
Combustion and Society: A Fire-Centred History of Energy Use
Nigel Clark and Kathryn Yusoff