John Urry (1946-2016)
It is with great sadness that we have heard about the recent death of John Urry. The official announcement from Lancaster University along with a range of tributes can be found here.
Over the years John published a series of pieces in Theory, Culture & Society, as well as editing some key special issues and writing for our book series. This is in addition to being a warm friend and supporter of the journal. In the coming weeks we hope to be able to share that work and to celebrate his contribution both in the journal and on this website.
To begin this process we thought that we would post two videos that we think capture John’s vibrancy, his generous manner and his intellectual foresight. The first is a video of a recording of a session from the 2011 British Sociological Association annual conference in which John discusses aspects of his work and responds to questions about the future of social scientific work.
The second is a short film that John recently produced for TCS in which he, along with David Tyfield, introduces and discusses a typically far-reaching special issue of TCS on ‘Energy & Society’ which he coedited.
John Urry’s articles in Theory, Culture & Society and Body & Society:
The Problem of Energy, 2014
Complexity, 2006
The Complexity Turn, 2005
Bodies of Nature: Introduction (with Phil Macnaghten), 2000
Bodies in the Woods (with Phil Macnaghten), 2000
Book Review, 1989
Theory, Culture & Society Special Issues:
‘Changing Climates’, edited by Bronislaw Szerszynski and John Urry.
‘Energy & Society’, edited by David Tyfield and John Urry
Theory, Culture & Society Book Series:
The Tourist Gaze 3.0
John Urry and Jonas Larsen
Contested Natures
Phil Macnaghten and John Urry
Mike Featherstone, Nigel Thrift and John Urry
Economies of Signs and Space
Scott Lash and John Urry
Bodies of Nature
Phil Macnaghten and John Urry
E-Special Issue: John Urry
This e-special issue of Theory, Culture & Society presents key works published by the late British Sociologist John Urry (1946-2016) in the journals Theory, Culture & Society and Body & Society. Edited by Mimi Sheller, read the introduction here.